The climate control unit has a function to revise setting temperature +1.5 °C (+2.7 °F) or -1.5 °C (-2.7 °F) degrees.
The setting temperature is only displayed in degrees centigrade.
Revision +1.5 °C (+2.7 °F) |
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Turn the vehicle to the ON mode, then turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode after confirming the climate control system is OFF. |
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While pressing both the RECIRCULATION button and the fan speed up button, turn the vehicle to the ON mode and hold it for 10 seconds. |
Revision -1.5 °C (-2.7 °F) |
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Turn the vehicle to the ON mode, then turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode after confirming the climate control system is OFF. |
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While pressing both the RECIRCULATION button and the fan speed down button, turn the vehicle to the ON mode and hold it for 10 seconds. |
Return to the no revision (Revision 0 °C (0 °F)) |
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Turn the vehicle to the ON mode, then turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode after confirming the climate control system is OFF. |
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While pressing both the RECIRCULATION button and the ON/OFF button, turn the vehicle to the ON mode and hold it for 10 seconds. |
Indication of the revision
The climate control unit displays the revision during until completion from the start of each revision mode as follows. |
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Displays nothing from the vehicle ON mode to 5 seconds. |
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Blinks current setting during 10 seconds from 5 seconds. |
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While push the button, the climate control unit continues displaying revision after 10 seconds. | |