Cam Chain Auto-Tensioner Removal and Installation
1. Right Front Wheel - Remove

2. Engine Undercover - Remove

3. Chain Case Cover - Remove

Remove the chain case cover.

4. Cam Chain Auto-Tensioner - Remove

Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to compress the cam chain auto-tensioner.

Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise to align the holes on the lock (A) and the cam chain auto-tensioner (B), then insert a 1.2 mm (3/64 in) diameter pin (C) into the holes. Turn the crankshaft clockwise about 90 ° to secure the pin.

NOTE: If the holes in the lock and the cam chain auto-tensioner do not align, continue to rotating the crankshaft counterclockwise until the holes align, then install the pin.

Remove the cam chain auto-tensioner (A) and the cam chain auto-tensioner filter (B).

NOTE: Check the cam chain auto-tensioner filter for damage. If filter is damaged, replace it.

1. Cam Chain Auto-Tensioner - Install

Compress the cam chain auto-tensioner when replacing the cam chain. Remove the pin (A) from the cam chain auto-tensioner that was installed during removal. Turn the plate (B) counterclockwise, to release the lock, then press the rod (C), and set the first cam (D) to the first edge of the rack (E). Insert the 1.2 mm (3/64 in) diameter pin back into the holes (F).

NOTE: If the cam chain auto-tensioner is not set up as described, the cam chain auto-tensioner will be damaged.

Install the cam chain auto-tensioner filter (A) and the cam chain auto-tensioner (B).

Remove the pin from the cam chain auto- tensioner.

2. Chain Case Cover - Install

Remove all of the old liquid gasket from the chain case cover mating surfaces, the bolts, and the bolt holes.

Clean and dry the chain case cover mating surfaces.

Apply liquid gasket (P/N 08717-0004, 08718-0003, or 08718-0009) to the chain case mating surface of the chain case cover and to the inside edge of the threaded bolt holes. Install the component within 5 minutes of applying the liquid gasket.

Apply a 2.5 mm (0.098 in) diameter bead of liquid gasket along the broken line (A).
If too much time has passed after applying the liquid gasket, remove the old liquid gasket and residue, then reapply new liquid gasket.

Install the chain case cover.

Wait at least 30 minutes before filling the engine with oil.
Do not run the engine for at least 3 hours after installing the chain case cover.

3. Engine Undercover - Install

4. Right Front Wheel - Install