VTC Oil Control Solenoid Valve Removal, Installation, and Test
1. VTC Oil Control Solenoid Valve - Remove

Disconnect the VTC oil control solenoid valve connector (A).

Remove the VTC oil control solenoid valve (B).

1. VTC Oil Control Solenoid Valve - Test

Connect VTC oil control solenoid valve connector terminal No. 1 to the battery positive terminal with a jumper wire. Connect VTC oil control solenoid valve connector terminal No. 2 to the battery negative terminal with a jumper wire.

Measure the clearance of the valve (A). The clearance should be at least 0.047 in (1.2 mm).

If the clearance is as specified, the valve is OK; reinstall it with a new O-ring (B).
If the clearance is not as specified, install a new valve and O-ring.

1. VTC Oil Control Solenoid Valve - Install

Install the VTC oil control solenoid valve (A) with a new O-ring (B).

Coat a new O-ring with engine oil.
Clean and dry the mating surface of the valve.

Connect the VTC oil control solenoid valve connector (C).