Rocker Arm Oil Control Valve Removal and Installation
1. Rocker Arm Oil Control Valve Assembly - Remove

Disconnect the rocker arm oil control solenoid connector (A).

USA and Canada models: Disconnect the rocker arm oil pressure switch connector (B).

Remove the rocker arm oil control valve assembly (C) and the rocker arm oil control valve filter (D).

2. Rocker Arm Oil Pressure Switch - Remove (USA and Canada models)

1. Rocker Arm Oil Pressure Switch - Install (USA and Canada models)

2. Rocker Arm Oil Control Valve - Install

Install the rocker arm oil control valve assembly (A) and the new rocker arm oil control valve filter (B).

USA and Canada models: Connect the rocker arm oil pressure switch connector (C).

Connect the rocker arm oil control solenoid connector (D).