Secure the input shaft assembly in a bench vise with wood blocks.
Set a dial indicator (A) on the clutch end-plate (B).
Zero the dial indicator with the clutch end-plate is lifted up to the snap ring (C).
Release the clutch end-plate to lower the clutch end-plate.
Put the clutch compressor attachment with the clutch compressor attachment 64 mm on the clutch end-plate (A).
NOTE: Be sure to set the clutch compressor attachment with the indented mark facing upward.
Press the clutch compressor attachment down with 39 N (4.0 kgf, 8.8 lbf) (the weight of the clutch compressor attachment is included) (B) using a force gauge, and read the dial indicator (C).
The dial indicator reads the clearance (D) between the clutch end-plate and the top disc (E). Take measurements in at least three places, and use the average as the actual clearance.
Clearance Between Clutch End-Plate and Top Disc Standard: 0.8?1.0 mm (0.031?0.039 in)