Audio System Error Codes
The audio system can display a few error message when some problems are detected with the audio disc player, the audio disc, the XM radio, or the USB audio. This is not a complete list of audio error messages. Refer to symptom troubleshooting.

Audio (Audio-Navigation) Unit Error Messages
Error Message Displayed
Possible Cause
The system is unable to start due to excessive heat. The system will start after the system cools.
This message appears briefly when the display temperature is too high.
Park the vehicle in a cooler place for a while. If the high temperature status is cancelled, the audio unit or the audio-navigation unit turns on the display.

Disc Error Messages
Error Message Displayed
Possible Cause
Bad Disc Please Check Owners Manual
There is a problem with the disc player. A common problem is paper disc labels coming off the disc while in the player.
Eject the disc and try another disc. If there is still a problem, replace the audio-navigation unit or the audio unit.
Heat Error
Disc player is hot. This can happen if the vehicle is parked out in the hot sun all day.
Park the vehicle in a cooler place for a while and try the disc player again. If the error code is still present, try another disc. If the error code is still present, replace the audio-navigation unit or the audio unit.
Check Disc
A reading error is detected because of a problem in the disc (scratches, fingerprints, marks, and distorted), or a disc was not supported.
Try to eject the disc and try another one. If there is still a problem, replace the audio-navigation unit or the audio unit.
Unplayable File
Track/File format not supported.
Current track is skipped. The next supported track or file plays automatically
Verify that CD, CD-R or CD-RW file names end in CD-A or WMA
Verify that CD, CD-R or CD-RW with compressed music formats end in MP3 or WMA
Other file formats like iTunes or Ogg are not recognized
WMA files may have (DRM) copy protection, and cannot be read
There is a problem with the disc. The video format (NTSC, PAL, or SECAM) or the region cord of the inserted disc is not supported.
Eject the disc and try another proper disc.
Region Error
Mecha Error
There is a problem with the disc player (other mechanical error)
Power supply error to the disc player
Eject the disc and try another disc. If there is still a problem, replace the audio-navigation unit or the audio unit.

XM Error Messages
Error Message Displayed
Possible Cause
No Signal
Loss of signal.
Both terrestrial and satellite antennas have lost the signal. Park the vehicle outside with a clear view of the southern horizon. Whenever possible, confirm if other vehicles in the same area are receiving the same message.
Check Antenna
XM antenna error.

NOTE: Do these checks with the vehicle parked outside with a clear view of the southern horizon.

USB Error Messages
Error Message Displayed
Possible Cause
Incompatible USB Device Please Check Owner's Manual
Faulty power supply to USB device.
Connect the applicable USB device (see the Owner's Manual).
Unsupported Ver.
Unsupported version iPod is connected.
Connect the applicable iPod (see the Owner's Manual).
Unsupported USB device is connected.
Unsupported file system.
USB device communication error.
Connect the applicable USB device (see the Owner's Manual).
Unplayable File
The audio-navigation unit or the audio unit cannot read the file(s).
Check the files in the USB device. There is a possibility that the files have been damaged.
The WMA files or the AAC file cannot be read with the (DRM) copy protection rights.
USB Error
There is a internal problem with the audio unit or the audio-navigation unit.
Check for hard error codes:
No Data
There are no files or files that are not supported on the USB device.
Check the files in the USB device. There is a possibility that the files have been damaged, or are not supported.
Connect Retry
The audio-navigation unit or the audio unit failed to synchronize with the iPod.
Appears when the system does not acknowledge the iPod. Reconnect the iPod.