DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0630
DTC P0630:VIN Not Programmed or Mismatch General Description
The DTC P0630 is set before vehicle identification number (VIN) is written and resets after VIN is written. Testing is done by carrying out the VIN write process. This test can be done only after EEPROM first initialization is performed. If the VIN is not registered or incompatible, the PCM detects a malfunction and stores a DTC. Monitor Execution, Sequence, Duration, DTC Type
Enable Conditions
Malfunction Threshold
The VIN is not registered or incompatible. Possible Cause
NOTE: The causes shown may not be a complete list of all potential problems, and it is possible that there may be other causes.
Diagnosis Details
Conditions for setting the DTC
When a malfunction is detected, the MIL comes on and a Pending DTC, a Confirmed DTC, and the freeze data are stored in the PCM memory. Conditions for clearing the DTC
When the VIN registration is completed, the MIL is cleared. |