DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-49
DTC U3000-49:CAN Gateway Internal Failure General Description
The CAN gateway performs onboard self-diagnosis to prevent transferring erroneous information when there is a malfunction in the CPU. If the CAN gateway detects a malfunction in the CPU, a DTC is stored. Monitor Execution, Sequence, Duration, DTC Type
Enable Conditions
Malfunction Threshold
The CAN gateway detects a malfunction in the CPU. Possible Cause
NOTE: The causes shown may not be a complete list of all potential problems, and it is possible that there may be other causes.
Diagnosis Details
Conditions for setting the DTC
When a malfunction is detected, a DTC and the freeze data are stored in the CAN gateway memory. Conditions for clearing the DTC
The DTC and the freeze data can be cleared with the scan tool Clear command. |