Refinish Methods - Dip-Type Methods
1. Dip-Type Methods

Painting method where parts are immersed in a paint bath. This is done either by dipping or electrodeposition. These processes are best suited for large scale production rather than repairs.

Dip Coating

Vehicle body parts are coated by dipping them into a tank filled with paint.

Electrodeposit Coating

Painting method also known as ED coating, in which electricity is applied to a tank containing the parts being coated and the primer or paint. The coat is formed by adhesion of the paint to the parts through a process called electrocrystallization. Electrodeposition ensures an even coating thickness, relatively free of drips and runs because the coating thickness can be controlled accurately by regulating the electric current. It also ensures coating in invisible sections and seams.

Tank is filled with water-based primer or paint. Parts soak inside the tank. Connecting the positive charge electrode to the part charge the tank with the negative electrode.

Electrical current passes between the electrodes and primer or paint electrically adheres to the surface of the part because of opposite charges.

NOTE: Electrodeposit coating is normally called ED paint or primer. It is used to apply the black colored basecoat on replacement steel body parts.