Paint Repair Equipment - Paint Booth
1. Paint Booth

Spray coating application generates considerable paint overspray mist and solvent vapors. These can be a health and safety issue, cause various paint defects, and pollute the environment. Therefore, paint and other coatings should only be applied in a specially designed paint booth.
Paint Booth Function:
The forced ventilation system help protect painters from inhaling paint mist and hazardous organic solvent vapors.
The intake air filters provide clean air to protect the surface being painted from dirt and dust.
Exhaust air filters collect paint mist and prevent it's release into the shop and environment.

Paint Booth Types:
Natural Intake/Forced Exhaust Type
Force ventilates only the exhaust side, so the inside of the booth remains at the ambient air pressure. This booth type tends to allow more dust and dirt entry through doors and small openings.
Forced Intake/Forced Exhaust Type (Push Pull Type)
Force ventilates both intake and exhaust sides, so the inside of the booth is pressurized slightly above ambient. Because of this pressure differential, most dust and dirt are prevented from entering the booth.
Structure of Push Pull Type Paint Booth