Paint Repair Tools - Other Tools and Equipment
1. Other Tools and Equipment

File, Sanding Block

Use to manually surface or sand body filler/putty and primer-surfacer coating.

Scoops and spreaders

Used for building body filler/putty layers on dents, scratches and holes. Many different sizes and materials. Select the one most suitable for the surface characteristics (flat or curved) and the size of application surface.

Body Filler/Putty Mixing Board

Used to mix body filler/putty and hardener.
Constructed of metal, plastic, and cardboard (disposable).

Waste Cloth (Wiping Cloth):

Used but well washed cloth is suitable for paint repairs. New cloths tend to retain oils and other substances, so they are not effective for absorbing or wiping up fluids.
Paper absorption twice its weight of water and oil, and is highly effective for wiping up fluids.

Paint Strainer

Used to filter dust and foreign substances from paint before application.

Tack Cloth

Cloth impregnated with high viscosity varnish. Used for removing dirt, dust, and sand from a surface before painting.

Masking Material: (Refer to Masking Equipment and Material)

Masking tape
Masking paper
Other covers for masking

Tools for Color Mixing

Heavy Duty Scuffing Pad

Used for scuffing/polishing complex panel shapes where sander and sandpaper cannot be properly used. Abrasive particles are bonded to synthetic fiber, so they are very water resistant.