Interior Lights System Description - Control/Function
System Function
Initial state of connection of electric power supply
In the initial state of connection of electric power supply, close/open of each door is detected and controlled without being affected by states of the vehicle mode and the driver's door lock knob switch.
Driver's door lock knob switch link
When the driver's door lock knob switch moves from the lock/unlock position, the body control module detects a driver's door open/close position, and controls the interior lights.
Each door switch link
Anytime a door switch closes (ON signal), the body control module provides a ground to the interior lights.
Ignition key switch/Remote link
When the system detects that the key is inserted into the ignition key switch or the remote is inside the vehicle, it provides a ground to the interior lights.
Engine start/stop switch link
If the vehicle mode turns to the ACCESSORY mode or the ON mode with the doors closed and the entry light control system illuminating the start/stop switch lights, the body control module fades the lights off.
Keyless link
When the body control module receives an unlock signal from the keyless transmitter or remote, it provides a ground to the interior lights.
Timer Control
The chart shows lighting duration, along with the dimming function that occurs at the end of the timer period. Tailgate Link Control (5-door)
The body control module controls the cargo area light ON/OFF based on the tailgate latch signal. |