EPS System Description - Overview
This vehicle is equipped with electrical power steering (EPS). The driver's steering force is assisted by an electric motor at the steering gearbox, instead of an engine-driven oil pump to generate oil pressure, so the EPS system improves engine efficiency. The EPS control unit monitors and controls the EPS motor's assisting force to match driving conditions.
The steering force from the steering wheel is sent to the pinion shaft. The torque sensor measures the difference in torque between the applied force to the pinion shaft and the resistance on the wheels due to road friction, then the torque sensor sends a voltage signal to the EPS control unit. Based on this signal, the EPS control unit controls the current to the EPS motor. The EPS motor transmits its power through assist pinion shaft to push the steering rack right or left. Integrated Drive-Mode System (Si/Type-R))
The EPS system has two (Si) or three (Type-R) control modes which correspond to the integrated drive-mode signal sent from the PCM via F-CAN. The control of EPS system in each integrated drive-mode is shown below. Si