Rear Door Rear Sash Outer Trim Removal and Installation
2. Rear Door Rear Sash Outer Trim - Remove

Pull away the rear door weatherstrip (A).

Remove the screws (B) securing the rear door outer molding (C) and the rear door rear sash outer trim (D).

Release the upper edge of the rear door rear sash outer trim from the rear door outer molding.

NOTE: Pull the rear door outer molding only as needed to release the upper edge of the rear door rear sash outer trim. Excessive pulling will cause the molding to get damaged resulting in replacement.

Remove the rear door rear sash outer trim.

NOTE: The clips (E) will stay in the door.

Remove the clips on the door.

NOTE: If the clips are damaged or stress-whitened, replace them with new ones.

Set the clips on the rear door rear sash outer trim.

1. Rear Door Rear Sash Outer Trim - Install

Install the rear door rear sash outer trim (A).

Install the screws (B) securing the rear door outer molding (C) and the rear door rear sash outer trim.

Install the rear door weatherstrip (D).