Idle Speed Inspection

Before checking the idle speed, check these items:

The malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) has not been reported on, and there are no DTCs.
Spark plugs
Air cleaner
PCV system

Apply the parking brake.

2. Idle Speed - Inspect

Start the engine. Hold the engine speed at 3,000 rpm without load (CVT in P or N, M/T in neutral) until the radiator fan comes on, then let it idle.

Check the idle speed under no load conditions: headlights, blower fan, radiator fan, audio system, and air conditioner off.

Idle speed should be:

Engine Model
Idle Speed
720 ± 50 rpm
(CVT in P or N, M/T in neutral)
750 ± 50 rpm
(CVT in P or N, M/T in neutral)
780 ± 50 rpm
(in neutral)

Let the engine idle for 1 minute with high electric load (A/C on, temperature set to max cool, blower fan on high, headlights on high beam).

Idle speed should be:

Engine Model
Idle Speed
720 ± 50 rpm
(CVT in P or N, M/T in neutral)
750 ± 50 rpm
(CVT in P or N, M/T in neutral)
780 ± 50 rpm
(in neutral)

NOTE: If the idle speed is not within specification, do the PCM idle learn procedure. If the idle speed is still not within specification, go to the symptom troubleshooting.