DTC Troubleshooting: B1140
DTC B1140: Driver's Power Window Position Detect Circuit Malfunction
NOTE: If you are troubleshooting multiple DTCs, be sure to follow the instructions in B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A.

DTC Description
B1140 Driver's Power Window Position Detect Circuit Malfunction

Problem verification:

Problem verification
Clear the DTCs with the HDS.

Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode and then the ON mode.

Open and close the driver's power window by using the power window master switch manually.

Check for DTCs with the HDS.
DTC Description
B1125 Driver's Power Window Motor A Pulse Malfunction
B1126 Driver's Power Window Motor B Pulse Malfunction

Is DTC B1125 or B1126 indicated?

Troubleshoot DTC B1125 or B1126.?