DTC Troubleshooting: P145D
DTC P145D: EVAP System Purge Flow Malfunction at turbocharging
If DTC P145D is indicated alone, do the troubleshooting for DTC P04DF and P04F0 using the on-board snapshot for P145D.
If DTC P0441, P04F0, P04F1, and P145D are stored at the same time, check for a poor connection, a blockage, or damage at the EVAP canister purge line between the EVAP canister purge valve and the EVAP canister. Also check for a stuck closed EVAP canister purge valve.
If any of the DTCs listed below are indicated at the same time as DTC P145D, troubleshoot those DTCs first, then recheck for P145D.
P04DF, P04F0, P04F1: EVAP system purge flow

DTC Description
Confirmed DTC
Pending DTC
P145D EVAP System Purge Flow Malfunction at turbocharging

DTC check:

DTC check
Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.

Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
DTC Description
Confirmed DTC
Pending DTC
P04DF EVAP System High Purge Flow Detected
P04F0 EVAP System Incorrect Purge Flow Detected
P04F1 EVAP System Low Purge Flow Detected
P145D EVAP System Purge Flow Malfunction at turbocharging

Are DTC P04DF, P04F0, or P04F1 and P145D indicated at the same time?

Go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.?
Go to the troubleshooting for DTC P04DF, DTC P04F0, and DTC P04F1.?