Wireless Charger Symptom Troubleshooting - Wireless charger indicators do not come on (green and amber)
Wireless Charger System Description - Overview
Wireless Charger System Description - System Diagram
Wireless Charger System Description - Control/Function
Wireless Charger System Description - Failsafe Function
Wireless charger indicators do not come on (green and amber)
Open wire check (+B BACK UP line):
Open wire check (+B BACK UP line)
Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.
Disconnect the following connector.
Wireless charger 7P connector
Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
OFF (LOCK) mode
Wireless charger 7P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Wireless charger 7P connector No. 7
Test point 2
Body ground
Is there battery voltage?
Go to step 2.
Repair an open or high resistance in the wire.?
Open wire check (GND line):
Open wire check (GND line)
Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
OFF (LOCK) mode
Wireless charger 7P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Wireless charger 7P connector No. 1
Test point 2
Body ground
Is there continuity?
Replace the wireless charger
Repair an open or high resistance in the ground wire or poor ground (G505).?
Troubleshooting Start