DTC Troubleshooting: P1855
DTC P1855: Inclination Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the transmission.

DTC Description
Confirmed DTC
Pending DTC
Freeze Frame
P1855 Inclination Sensor Circuit Range/Performance

Problem verification:

Problem verification
Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.

Clear the DTC with the HDS.

Test-drive the vehicle until the OBD status of DTC P1855 changes.

Monitor the OBD STATUS for DTC P1855 in the DTCs MENU with the HDS.
DTC Description
P1855 Inclination Sensor Circuit Range/Performance

Does the HDS indicate FAILED?

The failure is duplicated. Replace the SRS unit.?
If the HDS indicates PASSED, intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. Check for poor connections and loose terminals between the SRS unit and the TCM. If the freeze data/on-board snapshot of this DTC is recorded, try to reproduce the failure under the same conditions with the freeze data/on-board snapshot. If the HDS indicates NOT COMPLETED, go to step 1-3 and recheck.?