DTC Troubleshooting: P026B
DTC P026B: Injector Performance Problem
If DTC P026B is indicated alone, do the troubleshooting for DTC P02CC, P02CD, P02CE, P02CF, P02D0, P02D1, P02D2, and P02D3 using the on-board snapshot for P026B.
If DTC P02CC, P02CD, P02CE, P02CF, P02D0, P02D1, P02D2, P02D3, and P026B are stored at the same time, check for a poor connection or damage at the injector(s).
If any of the DTCs listed below are indicated at the same time as DTC P026B, troubleshoot those DTCs first, then recheck for P026B.
P02CC, P02CD: No. 1 cylinder injector
P02CE, P02CF: No. 2 cylinder injector
P02D0, P02D1: No. 3 cylinder injector
P02D2, P02D3: No. 4 cylinder injector

DTC Description
Confirmed DTC
Pending DTC
P026B Injector Performance Problem

DTC check:

DTC check
Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.

Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
DTC Description
Confirmed DTC
Pending DTC
P026B Injector Performance Problem
P02CC No. 1 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Minimum Limit
P02CD No. 1 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Maximum Limit
P02CE No. 2 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Minimum Limit
P02CF No. 2 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Maximum Limit
P02D0 No. 3 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Minimum Limit
P02D1 No. 3 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Maximum Limit
P02D2 No. 4 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Minimum Limit
P02D3 No. 4 Cylinder Injector Offset Learning Exceeds Maximum Limit

Are DTC P02CC, P02CD, P02CE, P02CF, P02D0, P02D1, P02D2, or P02D3 and P026B indicated at the same time?

Go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.?
Go to the troubleshooting for DTC P02CC, P02CD, P02CE, P02CF, P02D0, P02D1, P02D2, and P02D3 using the on-board snapshot for DTC P026B.?