Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting - Active sound control does not work
Active sound control does not work
Check for F-CAN and B-CAN DTCs and resolve them before troubleshooting.
Check the connectors for poor connections or loose terminals.
Determine possible failure area (speaker output circuit, others):

Determine possible failure area (speaker output circuit, others)

Is the sound quality normal at each speaker?

Go to step 2.
Fuse check:

Fuse check
Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.

Check the following fuses.

Are the fuses OK?

Go to step 3.
Replace the fuse, and recheck. If the fuse blows again, check for a short in the No. A18 fuse and/or the No. B7 fuse circuits.?
Open wire check (+B BACK UP line):

Open wire check (+B BACK UP line)
Disconnect the following connector.
Active sound control unit 20P connector

Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there battery voltage?

The +B BACK UP wire is OK. Go to step 4.
Repair an open in the wire.?
Open wire check (IG1 METER line):

Open wire check (IG1 METER line)
Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.

Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle ON mode
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there battery voltage?

The IG1 METER wire is OK. Go to step 5.
Repair an open in the wire.?
Determine possible failure area (SWD+B line, others):

Determine possible failure area (SWD+B line, others)
Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle ON mode
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there battery voltage?

The SWD+B wire is OK. Go to step 8.
Go to step 6.
Open wire check (SWD+B line):

Open wire check (SWD+B line)
Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle ON mode
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there battery voltage?

Repair an open in the wire.?
The SWD+B wire is not open. Go to step 7.
Shorted wire check (SWD+B line):

Shorted wire check (SWD+B line)
Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.

Disconnect the following connector.
Audio unit connector A (24P)

Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Audio unit connector A (24P): disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there 1 M? or more?

Repair a short to body ground in the wire.?
Open wire check (GND line):

Open wire check (GND line)
Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.

Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there 1.0 ? or less?

The GND wire is OK. Go to step 9.
Repair an open in the wire or poor ground (G505).?
Determine possible failure area (ANC F MIC+8V circuit, others):

Determine possible failure area (ANC F MIC+8V circuit, others)
Reconnect the active sound control unit 20P connector.

Disconnect the following connector.
HFL microphone 8P connector

Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.

Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle ON mode
HFL microphone 8P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2

Is there about 8.0 V?

Go to step 14.
Go to step 10.
Determine possible failure area (ANC F MIC+8V line, others):

Determine possible failure area (ANC F MIC+8V line, others)
Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle ON mode
HFL microphone 8P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there about 8.0 V?

There is an open in the MIC GND wire. Replace the affected shielded harness.?
Go to step 11.
Open wire check (ANC F MIC+8V line):

Open wire check (ANC F MIC+8V line)
Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle ON mode
HFL microphone 8P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there about 8.0 V?

There is an open in the wire. Replace the affected shielded harness.?
The ANC F MIC+8V wire is not open. Go to step 12.
Shorted wire check (ANC F MIC+8V line):

Shorted wire check (ANC F MIC+8V line)
Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.

Disconnect the following connector.
Active sound control unit 20P connector

Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
HFL microphone 8P connector: disconnected
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there 1 M? or more?

The ANC F MIC+8V wire is not shorted to ground. Go to step 13.
There is a short to body ground in the wire. Replace the affected shielded harness.?
Shorted wire check (ANC F MIC+8V line to SH ANC F MIC line):

Shorted wire check (ANC F MIC+8V line to SH ANC F MIC line)
Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
HFL microphone 8P connector: disconnected
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
Test point 2

Is there 1 M? or more?

There is a short in the wires. Replace the affected shielded harness.?
Determine possible failure area (HFL microphone, others):

Determine possible failure area (HFL microphone, others)
Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.

Reconnect the HFL microphone 8P connector.

Turn the vehicle to the ON mode.

Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
NOTE: Use the voltmeter in AC range.

Test condition
Vehicle ON mode, make a loud noise like clapping your hands in front of the HFL microphone.
Test point 1
Test point 2

Does the voltage change when making a loud noise in front of the microphone?

Go to step 15.
Shorted wire check (ANC lines) 1:

Shorted wire check (ANC lines) 1
Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.

Disconnect the following connectors.
Audio unit connector C (32P): disconnected
Active sound control unit 20P connector

Check for continuity between these test points and body ground individually.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
Audio unit connector C (32P): disconnected
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected

No. 9
No. 10
No. 19
No. 20

Is there 1 M? or more?

The ANC wires are not shorted to ground. Go to step 16.
There is a short to body ground in the wire(s). Replace the affected shielded harness.?
Shorted wire check (ANC lines) 2:

Shorted wire check (ANC lines) 2
Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
Audio unit connector C (32P): disconnected
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected

No. 8
No. 9, No. 10, No. 19, No. 20
No. 9
No. 10, No. 19, No. 20
No. 10
No. 19, No. 20
No. 19
No. 20

Is there 1 M? or more between all of the terminals?

The ANC wires are not shorted. Go to step 17.
There is a short in the wires. Replace the affected shielded harness.?
Open wire check (ANC lines):

Open wire check (ANC lines)
Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
Audio unit connector C (32P): disconnected
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected

No. 2
No. 9
No. 18
No. 10
No. 1
No. 19
No. 7
No. 20

Is there 1.0 ? or less?

The ANC wires are OK. Go to step 18.
There is an open in the wire(s). Replace the affected shielded harness.?
Open wire check (F-CAN C_H, F-CAN C_L lines):

Open wire check (F-CAN C_H, F-CAN C_L lines)
Disconnect the following connector.
CAN gateway 16P connector

Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
Vehicle OFF (LOCK) mode
Audio unit connector C (32P): disconnected
Active sound control unit 20P connector: disconnected
CAN gateway 16P connector: disconnected
Test point 1
CAN gateway 16P connector No. 5 (female terminals):
Test point 2

Test point 1
CAN gateway 16P connector No. 13 (female terminals):
Test point 2

Is there 1.0 ? or less?

The F-CAN C_H and the F-CAN C_L wires are OK. Go to step 19.
Repair an open in the wire(s).?
Active sound control unit check:

Active sound control unit check

Reconnect all the connectors, and recheck.

Does the symptom go away?

Replace the original active sound control unit.?