End Cover Driven Pulley Shaft Bearing Replacement
Special Tools Required
Image Description/Tool Number
609817.png Adjustable Bearing Puller, 45?75 mm 07YAC-0010102*
2599953.png Oil Seal Driver, 65 mm 07JAD-PL9A100
*: 07YAC-0010102 must be used with commercially available 3/8"-16 slide hammer.

NOTE: Apply a light coat of clean transmission fluid on all parts before installation.

1. Driven Pulley Shaft Bearing - Remove

Remove the snap ring (A) using commercially available snap ring pliers (B).

Remove the driven pulley shaft bearing (A) using the 45?75 mm adjustable bearing puller and a commercially available 3/8"-16 slide hammer (B).

2. Driven Pulley Shaft Bearing - Install

Install the secondary shaft bearing (A) using the 65 mm oil seal driver.

Install a new snap ring (A) using commercially available snap ring pliers (B).

Be careful not to deform the snap ring by opening/closing it excessively.
Make sure the snap ring is firmly installed in the groove.