Transmission Housing Transmission Fluid Pump Drive Sprocket Bearing Replacement
Special Tools Required
Image Description/Tool Number
310230.png Snap Ring Pliers 07LGC-0010100
310161.png Bearing Driver Attachment, 52 x 55 mm 07746-0010400
310169.png Driver Handle, 15 x 135L 07749-0010000

NOTE: Apply a light coat of clean transmission fluid on all parts before installation.

1. Transmission Fluid Pump Drive Sprocket Bearing - Remove

Remove the snap ring (A) using the snap ring pliers.

Remove the transmission fluid pump drive sprocket (A) using the 15 x 135L driver handle and the 52 x 55 mm bearing driver attachment.

While expanding the snap ring (A) using the snap ring pliers, remove the transmission fluid pump drive sprocket bearing (B).

Remove the snap ring.

2. Transmission Fluid Pump Drive Sprocket Bearing - Install

Install a new snap ring (A).

Be careful not to deform the snap ring by opening/closing it excessively.
Make sure the snap ring is firmly installed in the groove.

While expanding the snap ring using the snap ring pliers, install the transmission fluid pump drive sprocket bearing (B) as shown.

NOTE: Make sure the snap ring is firmly installed in the groove.

Install the transmission fluid pump drive sprocket (A) until it bottoms using the 15 x 135L driver handle and the 52 x 55 mm bearing driver attachment.

Install a new snap ring (A) using the snap ring pliers.

Be careful not to deform the snap ring by opening/closing it excessively.
Make sure the snap ring is firmly installed in the groove.