Carefully push on the top edge of the mirror holder (A) by hand.
Put a shop towel in the opening between the bottom edge of the mirror holder and the mirror housing (B) to prevent scratches.
Insert a flat-tip screwdriver under the mirror holder, and quickly twist the screwdriver to separate the mirror holder from the actuator (C).
Insert a flat-tip screwdriver further into the mirror holder and twist it again.
NOTE: Do not pry up on the mirror holder to separate the two parts, as this can cause either the mirror glass or actuator to break.
Separate the mirror holder (A) from the actuator (B).
With mirror defogger: Disconnect the mirror defogger terminals (C).
Mirror Holder - Install
Before reinstalling the mirror holder, check the actuator rods (A) and the actuator boots (B).
Apply multipurpose grease to each location indicated by the arrows.
If a rod is out of the actuator hole, insert it securely.
Each rod should be covered with a boot. If not, adjust the boot into the proper position.
With mirror defogger: Reconnect the mirror defogger terminals (A).
Reattach the hooks of the mirror holder (B) to the actuator (C), then position the mirror holder on the actuator. Carefully push on the hook portions of the mirror holder until the mirror holder locks into place.