Rear Spring Removal and Installation
3. Wheel Speed Sensor Wire Guide Rubber - Remove

4. Damper Lower Side - Disconnect

Position a floor jack under lower spring seat (A) of the axle beam. Do not place the floor jack under the center of the axle beam.

Raise the floor jack until the suspension begins to compress.

Remove the damper mounting bolt (B).

5. Spring - Remove

Lower the floor jack gradually.

Remove the spring (A), upper rubber mount (B), and lower rubber mount (C).

1. Spring - Install

Install the upper rubber mount (A) on the spring (B) by aligning the upper end (C) of the spring with the ledge portion (D) of the upper rubber mount.

Install the lower rubber mount (A) on the spring (B) by aligning the lower end (C) of the spring with the ledge portion (D) of the lower rubber mount.

Install the tab (A) of the lower rubber mount into the groove (B) of the lower spring seat.

Make sure that the tab of the lower rubber mount is properly installed into the axle beam (C).
Make sure that the spring was installed correctly.

2. Rear Damper Lower Side - Connect

Position a floor jack under lower spring seat (A) of the axle beam. Do not place the floor jack under the center of the axle beam.

Raise the floor jack until the suspension begins to compress.

Loosely install a new damper mounting bolt (B).

Raise the rear suspension with the jack until the vehicle just lifts off of the safety stands, then tighten the damper mounting bolt to the specified torque.

3. Wheel Speed Sensor Wire Guide Rubber - Install