Rear Brake Drum Removal and Installation

Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition, could be hazardous to your health.
Avoid breathing dust particles.
Never use an air hose or brush to clean brake assemblies. Use an OSHA-approved vacuum cleaner.

NOTE: Keep grease away from the brake drum and the brake shoes.

3. Parking Brake - Release

4. Brake Drum - Remove

Remove the brake drum (A).

NOTE: If the brake drum has clung to the hub bearing unit. Thread two 8 x 1.25 mm bolts (B) into the brake drum to push it away from the hub bearing unit. Turn each bolt 90 degrees at a time to prevent cocking the brake drum.

5. All Removed Parts - Install

Install the brake drum in the reverse order of removal.

Before installing the brake drum, clean the mating surfaces between the hub bearing unit and the inside of the brake drum.
After installation, press the brake pedal several times to make sure the brakes work and self-adjust the brake shoes.