Valve, Spring, and Valve Seal Removal and Installation
Special Tools Required
Image Description/Tool Number
310172.png Valve Spring Compressor Attachment 07757-PJ1010A
310252.png Stem Seal Driver 07PAD-0010000

NOTE: Identify the valves and the valve springs as they are removed so that each item can be reinstalled in its original position.

3. Valve and Valve Spring - Remove

Using an appropriate-sized socket (A), and a plastic mallet (B), lightly tap the spring retainer to loosen the valve cotters.

Install the valve spring compressor attachment and the valve spring compressor.

Compress the valve spring, and remove the valve cotters.

Remove the valve spring compressor and the valve spring compressor attachment.

Remove the spring retainer, the valve spring, and the valve.

4. Valve Seal and Valve Spring Seat - Remove

Install the valve guide seal remover (A).

Remove the valve seal.

Remove the valve spring seat.

1. Valve, Valve Seal, and Valve Spring Seat - Install

Coat the valve stems with new engine oil. Install the valves in the valve guides.

Check that the valves move up and down smoothly.

Install the spring seats on the cylinder head.

Install new valve seals (A) using the 5.5 mm side of the stem seal driver (B).

NOTE: The exhaust valve seal (C) has a black spring (D), and the intake valve seal (E) has a white or silver spring (F); they are not interchangeable.

2. Valve Spring - Install

Install the valve spring and the spring retainer. Place the end of the valve spring with closely wound coils toward the cylinder head.

Install the valve spring compressor attachment and the valve spring compressor.

Compress the valve spring and install the valve cotters.

Remove the valve spring compressor and the valve spring compressor attachment.

Lightly tap the end of each valve stem two or three times with a plastic mallet (A) to ensure proper seating of the valve and the valve cotters. Tap the valve stem only along its axis so you do not bend the valve stem.

NOTE: Be sure to raise the head off the work bench so the valve is not possibly damaged.