Connecting Rod and Crankshaft End Play Inspection
3. Connecting Rod End Play - Inspect

Measure the connecting rod end play with a feeler gauge (A) between the connecting rod (B) and the crankshaft (C).

Connecting Rod End Play
Standard (New):
0.15?0.35 mm (0.006? 0.013 in)
Service Limit:
0.45 mm (0.0177 in)

If the connecting rod end play is beyond the service limit, install a new connecting rod, and recheck. If it is still beyond the service limit, replace the crankshaft.

4. Crankshaft End Play - Inspect

Push the crankshaft firmly away from the dial indicator by prying, and zero the dial against the end of the crankshaft. Then pull the crankshaft firmly back toward the indicator by prying; the dial reading should not exceed the service limit.

Crankshaft End Play
Standard (New):
0.10?0.35 mm (0.0039?0.0138 in)
Service Limit:
0.45 mm (0.0177 in)

If the end play is beyond the service limit, replace the thrust washers, and recheck. If it is still beyond the service limit, replace the crankshaft.

5. All Removed Parts - Install

Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.