Engine Oil Replacement
1. Engine - Warm Up

Start the engine. Hold the engine speed at 3,000 rpm with no load (M/T in neutral or CVT in P or N) until the radiator fan comes on, then let it idle.

3. Engine Oil - Drain

Remove the drain bolt (A), and drain the engine oil.

Reinstall the drain bolt with a new washer (B) and torque to specification.

5. Engine Oil - Refill

Refill the engine with the recommended engine oil.

At Oil Change:
3.1 L (3.3 US qt)
At Oil Change including Filter:
3.3 L (3.5 US qt)
After Engine Overhaul:
4.0 L (4.2 US qt)

6. Engine Oil Level - Check

Run the engine for more than 3 minutes, then check the oil level and the oil leakage.

7. Maintenance Minder - Reset (With Maintenance Minder System)

If the Maintenance Minder required to replace the engine oil, reset the Maintenance Minder with the gauge (see "Resetting the Maintenance Minder"). If the Maintenance Minder did not require to replace the engine oil, reset the Maintenance Minder with the HDS (see "Resetting the Individual Maintenance Items").