A/C Compressor Relief Valve Removal and Installation

NOTE: If the A/C compressor relief valve released refrigerant to the atmosphere, determine and correct the cause of the excessive system pressure, then replace the relief valve.

NOTE: To avoid damage to the radiator, cover it with cardboard after removing the fan shroud.

3. A/C Compressor Relief Valve - Remove

NOTE: Plug the opening to keep moisture and foreign material from entering the system, and the A/C compressor oil from running out.

4. All Removed Parts - Install

Install the parts in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:

If the A/C compressor relief valve released refrigerant to the atmosphere, determine and correct the cause of the excessive system pressure, then replace the relief valve.
Clean the mating surfaces.
A new O-ring should be used at each fitting. Prior to installation, apply a thin coat of the same refrigerant oil used in the A/C compressor. Be sure to use the correct O-rings for refrigerant types to avoid leakage.