Water Passage Removal and Installation
1. Engine Coolant - Drain

2. Engine Undercover - Remove

3. Alternator - Remove

4. A/C Compressor - Remove

Remove the A/C compressor without disconnecting the A/C hoses. Do not bend the A/C hoses excessively.

NOTE: Hang the A/C compressor with a wire tie.

5. Thermostat Housing - Remove

6. Connecting Pipe - Remove

Remove the connecting pipe.

7. Water Pump - Remove

8. Water Passage - Remove

Remove the water passage.

1. Water Passage - Install

Install the water passage (A) with new O-rings (B).

2. Water Pump - Install

3. Connecting Pipe - Install

Install the connecting pipe (A) with a new O-ring (B).

4. Thermostat Housing - Install

5. A/C Compressor - Install

Install the A/C compressor.

6. Alternator - Install

7. Engine Undercover - Install