Injector Removal and Installation
Special Tools Required
Image Description/Tool Number
9507995.png Injector Seal Installer Kit 070AG-5A0A100
9576256.png Pick Up Tool 070AC-5A0A100

NOTE: When replacing the injector, you must replace all injectors as an assembly.

1. Fuel Pressure - Relieve

2. Intake Manifold - Remove

3. Fuel Pipe and Injector - Remove

Disconnect the fuel pressure sensor connector (B) and the injector connectors (C).

Remove the fuel pipe mounting bolts (D) and nuts (E).

Carefully remove the fuel pipe (F) with the injectors straight from the cylinder head.

If the injector remained on the cylinder head, carefully remove the injector straight from the cylinder head.
Note the cylinder number of the injector, and install it to the same cylinder when reinstalling.
If you replace the injector, the fuel pipe, or the cylinder head, use the new injector clip (G).

4. Injector - Remove

Remove the injectors (A) from the fuel pipe.

Remove the injector clip (B), the O-ring (C), and the back-up ring (D) from the injector.

NOTE: If you replace the injector, the fuel pipe, or the cylinder head, use a new injector clip, O-ring, and back-up ring.

Using the pick up tool (A), carefully remove the seal (B) from the injector.

NOTE: When replacing the injector, you must replace all injectors as an assembly.

1. Injector Seal - Install

Wipe off the carbon from the area shown (A) with a paper towel.
When you remove the injector for any malfunction, do not clean it. You need to use new injectors.
Do not wipe off the injection area (B) of the injector.

Set the sizing tool (A) to the injector as shown.

NOTE: Do not touch the tool to the top of the injector.

Set the seal guide (B) to the top of the injector as shown.

Temporarily set a new seal (A) on the seal guide as shown.

Set the seal installer (B), and position the seal to the groove (C) quickly.

Move the sizing tool and align the top of the injector surface (A) and the tool's inner surface (B) as shown, and hold the tool to reform the seal for 30 seconds or more.

NOTE: Make sure the seal (C) is not deformed when moving the tool.

Remove the sizing tool, and check that the seal set correctly.

NOTE: Do not scratch the tool's bore when cleaning the tool.

2. Injector - Install

Install a new back-up ring (A) and a new O-ring (B) to the injector.

Set the direction of the back-up ring as shown
Check that the back-up ring sets correctly after installation.

Coat the O-ring with clean engine oil, then install the injector (C) to the fuel pipe (D) with a new injector clip (E).

NOTE: When installing the injector, protect the injector from debris.

3. Fuel Pipe and Injector - Install

Coat the injector holes (A) on the cylinder head with clean engine oil.

Carefully install the fuel pipe (B) with the injectors into the cylinder head straight and equal.

NOTE: When installing the injector, protect the tip of the injector from debris.

Install the nuts (C), and tighten slowly and alternately until the fuel pipe sits on the cylinder head.

Tighten the nuts and the bolts (D) to the specified torque.

Connect the injector connectors (E) and the fuel pressure sensor connector (F).

4. Intake Manifold - Install

5. Fuel Leak (Low Pressure Line) - Check

Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), or press the engine start/stop button to select the ON mode, but do not operate the starter. After the fuel pump runs for about 2 seconds, the fuel rail will be pressurized. Repeat this two or three times, then check for fuel leakage.