High Pressure Fuel Pump Removal and Installation
2. Camshaft Timing - Set

Set the No. 1 piston at top dead center (TDC), then rotate the crankshaft to 105° counterclockwise.

5. High Pressure Fuel Pump Cover - Remove

6. Fuel Joint Pipe - Remove

Remove the fuel joint pipe (B).

7. High Pressure Fuel Pump - Remove

Disconnect the connector (A).

Loosen the bolts (B) alternately, and remove the high pressure fuel pump (C) and the roller (D).

Remove the fuel feed pipe (A) from the high pressure fuel pump (B).

8. High Pressure Fuel Pump Cam - Check

Rotate the crankshaft and check the high pressure fuel pump cam (A) for pitted, scored, or excessively worn. If needed, replace the camshaft.

Set the No. 1 piston at top dead center (TDC), then rotate the crankshaft to 105° counterclockwise.

Install the roller (A) to the high pressure fuel pump cam.

Set the gauge (B) on the roller and hold it, then set the dial to zero.

Rotate the crankshaft to 720° and measure the four cam lobes height. If it was excessively worn, replace the camshaft.

NOTE: The high pressure fuel pump cam has four cam lobes.

Cam Lobe Height Standard (New): 4.0 mm

1. Camshaft Timing - Set

Set the No. 1 piston at top dead center (TDC), then rotate the crankshaft to 105° counterclockwise.

Check the position of the cam (A) that drives high pressure fuel pump as shown.

2. High Pressure Fuel Pump - Install

Install the fuel feed pipe (A) to the high pressure fuel pump (B) with new washers (C).

Coat the roller (A) and the cam (B) with clean engine oil.

Install the roller (C) and the high pressure fuel pump (D) with a new O-ring (E). Install the bolts (F) loosely by hand.

NOTE: Before you install the high pressure fuel pump, coat the O-ring with clean engine oil.

Connect the connector (G).

3. Fuel Joint Pipe - Install

Before you install the fuel joint pipe, loosen the high pressure fuel pump mounting bolt.
When tightening the nuts of the fuel joint pipe, use the flare nut wrench. If you use the flare nut wrench (crow-foot type), check the length of your flare nut wrench (A) and torque wrench (B), and calculate torque by the following formula.

X: Calculated torque
A: Length of the flare nut wrench
B: Length of the torque wrench
C: Actual torque of the fuel joint pipe nuts

Coat the polyethylene glycols of a new fuel joint pipe kit to the top of the pipe (A) and the threaded portion (B).

NOTE: Do not reuse the fuel joint pipe.

Tighten the fuel joint pipe nuts (C and D) by hand until the end of the joint pipes sits on the fuel pipe or high pressure fuel pump.

Set the bracket of the fuel joint pipe (E) to the cylinder head, and loosely install the bolt (F).

Tighten the high pressure fuel pump mounting bolt (A) to the specified torque.

Tighten the fuel joint pipe bracket mounting bolt (B) to the specified torque.

Tighten the fuel joint pipe nut (C) to the specified torque.

Tighten the fuel joint pipe nut (D) to the specified torque.

4. High Pressure Fuel Pump Cover - Install

7. Fuel Leak (Low Pressure) - Check

Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), or press the engine start/stop button to select the ON mode, but do not operate the starter. After the fuel pump runs for about 2 seconds, the fuel rail will be pressurized. Repeat this two or three times, then check for fuel leakage.