Intermediate Shaft Removal and Installation
Except V6 Engine

1. Vehicle - Lift

2. Engine undercover plate – Romove (Engine Undercover Large type)

3. Transmission Fluid - Drain

Drain the transmission fluid, then reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer:

4. Right Front Wheel - Remove

5. Right Knuckle Ball Joint - Disconnect

7. Intermediate Shaft Assembly - Remove

Remove the dowel bolts (A) and the flange bolt (B).

Remove the intermediate shaft (A).

NOTE: Hold the intermediate shaft horizontal until it is clear of the differential to prevent damaging the oil seal (B).

V6 Engine

1. Vehicle - Lift

2. Under-Floor TWC/Exhaust Pipe A - Remove

3. Right Front Wheel - Remove

4. Transmission Fluid - Drain

Drain the transmission fluid, then reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer:

5. Right Knuckle Ball Joint - Disconnect

7. Rear Warm Up Three Way Catalytic Converter (Rear WU-TWC) Bracket - Remove

Remove the rear warm up three way catalytic converter (rear WU-TWC) bracket (A).

8. Intermediate Shaft - Remove

A/T: Loosen the sensor harness clamp bracket bolt (A).

Remove the flange bolt (A) and the two dowel bolts (B).

Remove the intermediate shaft (A).

NOTE: Hold the intermediate shaft horizontal until it is clear of the differential to prevent damaging the oil seal (B).

Except V6 Engine

1. Intermediate Shaft Assembly - Install

Clean the areas where the intermediate shaft contacts the differential thoroughly with solvent.

NOTE: Do not wash the rubber parts with solvent.

Dry the areas where the intermediate shaft contacts the differential thoroughly with compressed air.

Insert the intermediate shaft (A) into the differential correctly.

NOTE: Insert the intermediate shaft carefully to prevent damaging the oil seal (B).

Install the dowel bolts (A) and the flange bolt (B).

3. Right Knuckle Ball Joint - Connect

4. Right Front Wheel - Install

5. Intermediate Shaft - After Install Check

Turn the wheel by hand, and make sure there is no interference between the driveshaft and surrounding parts.

6. Vehicle - Lift

Lower the vehicle.

7. Transmission Fluid - Refill

Refill the transmission with the recommended transmission fluid.

8. Engine undercover plate – Install (Engine Undercover Large type)

10. Test Drive - Check

Test-drive the vehicle.

V6 Engine

1. Intermediate Shaft - Install

Clean the areas where the intermediate shaft contacts the differential thoroughly with solvent.

NOTE: Do not wash the rubber parts with solvent.

Dry the areas where the intermediate shaft contacts the differential thoroughly with compressed air.

Insert the intermediate shaft (A) into the differential correctly.

NOTE: Insert the intermediate shaft carefully to prevent damaging the oil seal (B).

Install the flange bolt (A) and the two dowel bolts (B).

A/T: Tighten the sensor harness clamp bracket bolt (A).

2. Rear Warm Up Three Way Catalytic Converter (Rear WU-TWC) Bracket - Install

Install the rear warm up three way catalytic converter (rear WU-TWC) bracket (A).

4. Right Knuckle Ball Joint - Connect

5. Right Front Wheel - Install

6. Intermediate Shaft - After Install Check

Turn the wheel by hand, and make sure there is no interference between the driveshaft and surrounding parts.

7. Under-Floor TWC/Exhaust pipe A - Install

8. Vehicle - Lift

Lower the vehicle.

9. Transmission Fluid - Refill

Refill the transmission with the recommended transmission fluid:

11. Test Drive - Check

Test-drive the vehicle.