Replace the No. A6 (10 A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box. Also check for a short to ground on the No. A6 (10 A) fuse circuit if needed, then do the repair verification.
Open wire check (+B STOP line):
Open wire check (+B STOP line)
Measure the voltage between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
IG LOCK (0) or OFF mode
Test circuit
Test point 1
Brake pedal position switch 4P connector No. 2 (PNK)
Test point 2
Body ground
Is there battery voltage?
The +B STOP wire is OK. Go to step 8.
Repair an open in the +B STOP wire between the No. A6 (10 A) fuse and the brake pedal position switch, then do the repair verification.
The brake pedal position switch is OK, repair a short to power in the STOP SW wire between the PCM (A37) and the brake pedal position switch, then do the repair verification.
Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0), or press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.
Turn the ignition switch to ON (II), or press the engine start/stop button to select the ON mode.
Press the brake pedal several times.
Check for Pending or Confirmed DTCs with the HDS.
DTC Description
Confirmed DTC
Pending DTC
Freeze Frame
P0571 Brake Pedal Position Switch Circuit Malfunction
Is DTC P0571 indicated?
Check for poor connections or loose terminals at the brake pedal position switch and the PCM. If the PCM was updated, substitute a known-good PCM, then recheck. If the PCM was substituted, go to step 2.
Troubleshooting is complete. If the PCM was substituted, replace the original PCM. If any other Pending or Confirmed DTCs are indicated, go to the indicated DTC's troubleshooting.?