Audio System Self-Diagnostic Function
Start-Up Procedure and Diagnostic Menu

Start the engine.

At the disclaimer screen, use the audio unit hard buttons:

Press and hold the DISP button, the BACK button, and the VOLUME/POWER knob for about 3 seconds. The display screen goes directly to the Select Diagnosis Items menu shown.
Multi-information display unit
Self-Diagnosis Mode (runs the automatic diagnosis of the audio system)
Detail Information & Setting (Can help you to manually diagnose the audio system)

Audio with touch screen
Monitor Check (Can help you to manually diagnose the audio system)

System Links
Select the Self-Diagnosis Mode from the Select Diagnosis Items menu. The message at the bottom of the screen flashes indicating ‘‘Diagnosis in progress...’’ While the diagnosis is running, do not press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.

NOTE: The system cannot complete a full diagnosis unless the engine is running.

The diagnosis tests the following:
Most of the wires connecting the audio components are shown in the block diagram.
The results from the various components shown in the block diagram.
The audio unit tests the microphone by listening to the bong sound produced by the audio unit from the speakers when the diagnosis is started. This requires that the audio system be operating normally.

When the diagnosis finishes, the icons turn different colors based on their test status.

Icon Colors
Diagnosis OK. No faults to report.
Red indicates possible hardware or harness problem. (Ensure the engine is running)
Yellow indicates accessory part not installed or connected.
White indicates the diagnosis is in progress.
Gray indicates additional action required to continue.

NOTE: By selecting the HELP icon, you can see a description for each color.

Select the icon when you want to see the details of that diagnostic function.

The icon colors on the screen may not change until you exit and reenter the Self-Diagnosis mode. In some cases, you may have to restart the engine for the indication to change. After you repair the affected component or harness, repeat this diagnosis.

Factory Diagnostic Screen In Line Diag
If the vehicle left the factory in the factory diagnostic mode, you will see this screen every time you turn the vehicle to the ON mode. Sometimes this screen also appears after you replace the audio unit with a new or remanufactured unit.

When the audio unit is powered up for the first time at the factory or sometimes a remanufactured audio unit is installed, the factory diagnosis screen (In Line Diag) appears. Normally the factory does the steps necessary to verify proper operation and terminate the factory diagnosis. Until the proper confirmation sequence is done, the screen appears every time you turn the vehicle to the ON mode.

Follow these steps to prevent the screen from appearing in the future:

Press and hold the DISP button, the BACK button, and the VOLUME/POWER knob for about 3 seconds. The Select Diagnosis Items screen appears.

Press and hold the Day/Night (enu_1740914_1.0) button until the In line Diag Setting screen appears.

Set the In Line Diag Setting to Complete, then select Return twice to exit the diagnostic mode. The In Line Diag should not appear again.

Detailed Information & Setting
This sections allows you to run a specific diagnosis and allows additional setting choices for some screens that are not shown when selecting an icon from the System Links screen.

When you select the Detail Information & Setting menu, the main diagnosis menu is displayed.

After the display changes to the Diagnostic Menu, select the item you want to check, and the test begins. To return to the previous screen, select Return.
Monitor Check (Display)
Functional Setup
Guideline Setup
Unit Check

Monitor Check (Display)
Overview of the multi-information display unit.

The multi-information display unit communicates with the audio unit over its own GA-Net bus. Information sent by the audio unit to the multi-information display unit includes commands to control the LCD back light.

These screens allow you to troubleshoot the multi-information display unit. Select the item you want to troubleshoot, and follow the diagnostic instructions.
Gray Tone
Black Raster
Color Pattern
White Raster


This screen verifies that the multi-information display unit is receiving the video (R, G, B, and Composite sync) signals properly. The three primary colors should all appear without distortion. The combination of all three should produce a central white section. If the picture has lines in it, or scrolls horizontally or vertically, and any of the colors are missing, or scrolls horizontally, replace the multi-information display unit.

Gray Tone

This screen checks problems with contrast. You should be able to see the changes from bar to bar across the scale. It is normal for the two bars on either side to appear the same. If you cannot see changes from bar to bar, replace the multi-information display unit.

Black Raster

This screen checks for pixels that may be stuck on. The entire display must be black. If pixels are stuck on, replace the multi-information display unit.

Color Pattern

The screen shows the colors being used for the menu screens. This is for factory use only. To check the color signal, use the RGB Color diagnosis.

White Raster

This screen checks for pixels that may be dead (off). The entire display must be white. If there are dead pixels, replace the multi-information display unit.

Functional Setup
Select the item you want to check.
All Clear
Pandora Setting (USA models)
Save Users Memory

All Clear
The all clear function deletes the memory, and restores it to the factory defaults.

If you select Yes, the second Confirmation screen appears.

When Yes is selected, the system restarts after performing the All Clear process. After the restart, a normal start-up process occurs.

Save User’s Memory
When replacing the audio unit, this function allows the dealer to transfer the customer's personal data to the new audio unit. The transferred information includes their Setup settings, and personal addresses. The dealer inserts a USB memory device into the USB adapter, and then selects the Save User's Memory function. The two functions in this diagnostic screen are EXPORT and IMPORT. EXPORT saves the customer's data to the USB memory device, and IMPORT moves the USB memory device files to the new audio unit.

Select EXPORT button to move the customer's data from the original audio unit to the USB memory. Select Yes on the Export User Data Confirmation screen. The process takes only a couple of seconds. The system stores. DAT files on the USB memory.

NOTE: If the EXPORT button is grayed out, check the USB adapter connector.

After replacing the new audio unit, allow the system to boot up. Insert the USB memory device into the USB adapter and enter the Save Users Memory in the audio system diagnostic mode.
Select the IMPORT button to move the two files stored by the Export process from the USB memory device to the new audio unit. Select Yes on the Import User Data Confirmation screen. When the transfer is finished (a few seconds) the system automatically reboots. After the system reboots, remove the USB memory device from the USB adapter.

NOTE: If the IMPORT button is grayed out, check if the Model and the Program Flash shown on the Version screen are the same.
Pandora Setting (USA models)
This screen allows you to enable or disable the Pandora Setting function. Refer to the Owner's Manual for more information about the Pandora Setting function.

If you select enable or disable Pandora Setting, the settings are effective when the audio unit is started-up next time.

Guideline Setup
This diagnosis adjusts the guide line of the rearview camera image. This is for factory use only.
Do not adjust the monitor position unless directed by a service bulletin.

This allows you to adjust the Static Guideline or the Dynamic Guideline. Select the item you want to adjust.

It this screen appears, select the Adjust.

This screen adjusts the guide line of the rearview camera image.
Default: All guide lines can be reset to the factory specification.
Return: Returns to the Guide Line Setup main screen.
Tuning: Adjusts the guide line on the adjustment screen.
When select the Tuning, the guide line setup submenu appears.

Select the guide line, then the guide line adjust points appears.

Select the adjust points, and move the picture up/down or left/right. If you want to keep the setting, select the Redraw and then the Save.

Region Select
This screen allows the dealer to select the area that applies to the location of the vehicle.

Select OK on the screen.
All region names will be indicated. Select the region.
If you select YES, the second Set Destination flag screen appears, and language is changed. To return to the previous screen, select NO.
Unit Check (Quick Check)
Some of the tests and screens that are displayed under the Unit Check are different from the more detailed checks listed under other menu options.

To start the test, select the item you want to check.
ECU Info
Remote Tuner
CD Mech
Rear Camera
Car Status
Hard Key
Speaker Check
AUX Audio

ECU Info

This diagnosis checks for problems in the audio ECU. When you start this diagnosis, the audio unit may freeze or delay up to a minute while the diagnosis runs.
D-RAM: Displays the result of the access to the D-RAM (OK/NG).
Recheck the ECU Info diagnosis. If D-RAM shows NG, replace the audio unit.

Serial No.: Displays the audio unit serial number. That should be the same as the serial number found on the upper side of the audio unit.
Flash: Displays the result of the access to the flash memory (OK/NG). If NG, replace the audio unit.
Model: For this model, the field should begin with T2A.
Coverage: Displays the destination of the audio unit.

Remote Tuner

This diagnosis shows the internal radio tuner (AM/FM) status. Make sure the audio unit radio tuner is turned on.
Current Frequency can be changed by selecting TUNE.
Source can be changed in this order: AM?FM by selecting Change.
ANT +B changes the AM/FM antenna power status on or off.
Version: Displays the tuner unit software version.
Serial No.: Displays the tuner unit serial number.
Part Number: Displays the tuner unit parts number.


This diagnosis checks first whether the HandsFreeLink control unit is connecting to the audio unit via the GA-Net bus.
If HFL shows HFL DTCs (B1775, B1776, B1779, B1780, and/or B1792) and GA-NET shows OK, go to indicated HFL DTC troubleshooting.
S/W Version: Displays the HandsFreeLink control unit software version.
Part Number: Displays the HandsFreeLink control unit parts number.

If the HandsFreeLink control unit need to update the software, do the HandsFreeLink control unit update.

Rear Camera

This diagnosis checks the rearview camera connection.
If Connection shows OK, press the DISP button to display the rearview camera image. To return to the previous screen, press the DISP button again.


This diagnosis checks whether the audio unit is receiving B-CAN data properly.

B-CAN (Body Controller Area Network) passes information between processors on the network. The B-CAN network uses a communication protocol that transmits data at 125 kbps.
This diagnosis must have the engine running.
If ERROR STATUS shows NO ERROR, an error is not detected between B-CAN bus and the audio unit.
If any error is detected, check for B-CAN DTCs with the HDS (Honda Diagnostic System). The data displayed in the ID boxes is for factory use only.


This diagnosis checks the COMPASS connection.


This diagnosis does additional checks on the GA-Net bus between the audio unit and the multi-information display unit. This test also checks the internal electronic functions.
If Connection shows NG, the connection may be open or short between the display and the audio unit.
The version represents the software version in the display.
XM (USA and Canada models)

This diagnosis checks the GA-Net bus between the audio unit and the XM receiver.
If Connection shows NG, the connection may be open or short between the XM receiver and the audio unit.

CD Mech

This diagnosis checks the audio unit internal CD player mechanism.

Version shows CD mech version. When the audio unit can read the version number, Connection shows OK. If the version number cannot be read, Connection shows NG.
Inserting the CD mech update disc allows you to select DownLoad. Otherwise it is grayed out.


This diagnosis checks the LaneWatch camera connection.
If Connection shows OK, press the DISP button to display the LaneWatch camera image. To return to the previous screen, press the DISP button again.
LaneWatch SW: LaneWatch switch status on or off.
LaneWatch camera need to aiming, select the start, and do the LaneWatch camera aiming.


This diagnosis checks whether the microphone and the HFL switch are connecting to the HandsFreeLink control unit. If Mic and/or STRG SW shows HFL DTCs (B1775, B1776, B1779, B1780, and/or B1792), go to the indicated HFL DTC troubleshooting.
Press the PICK-UP, HANG-UP/BACK, and TALK buttons. This should cause the each indicator on the screen to momentarily turn green. If it does not briefly turn green, do the HFL switch test.

USB Memory Information

This diagnosis displays the USB memory status that is connected to the audio unit.

If the USB memory is connected to the USB port, the screen displays the connection status (Inserted/Not Inserted), the USB memory size, and the Product ID, Vender ID.

Car Status

Use this screen to confirm that the audio unit is properly receiving input signals. Signals equal to (0) are OFF, and signals equal to (1) are ON. If the value on the display does not match the actual vehicle status, then check the wire carrying the signal.
VSP-Vehicle Speed Pulse from the PCM to the audio unit via the B-CAN bus.
OFF (0) when vehicle is not moving
ON (1) when vehicle is moving

BACK-Reverse indication from reverse relay (audio unit connector G (24P) terminal No. 24)
OFF (0) when the shift lever is in any position other than reverse
ON (1) when the shift lever is in reverse

ILL-Illumination Indication
The illumination indication comes from the gauge control module to the audio unit via the B-CAN bus. The audio uses the signal to determine whether to put the multi-information display unit into the Day or Night brightness mode.
OFF (0) when parking lights, or headlights are off
ON (1) when parking lights, or headlights are on

The illumination cancel indication comes from the gauge control module to the audio unit via the B-CAN bus.
This item detects whether the illumination cancel function is in use.
OFF (0) when the dashlights brightness control knob is less than 90 % brightness with the headlights turned on
ON (1) when the dashlights brightness control knob is more than 90 % brightness with the headlights turned on

PARK-Parking Brake Indication comes from the gauge control module to the audio unit via the B-CAN bus.
OFF (0) when parking brake is not applied
ON (1) when parking brake is applied

VIDEO PARK-Parking Brake Indication comes from the gauge control module to the audio unit via the B-CAN bus.
OFF (0) when the parking brake is not applied
ON (1) when the parking brake is applied

IGNITION-Ignition switch position indication
Detects if the engine is running is running using information provided over the B-CAN bus.
OFF (0) when the vehicle is in ACC mode
ON (1) when the vehicle is in ON mode

The illumination dimming duty indication comes from the gauge control module to the audio unit via the B-CAN bus.
With the headlights on, use the dashlights brightness control knob to dim and brighten the gauge. You should see the value change from 1 (max low) to 22 (max high).
This item indicates the VIN that received from the PCM.

Speaker Check

NOTE: Make sure the audio system is off before this diagnosis.

This diagnosis checks the audio speakers individually.

Selects NEXT or BACK to select Speaker. A tone should sound from the speaker.

When you select NEXT, the system checks the speakers in this order:
When you select BACK, the system checks the speakers in this order:

Display Message
Vehicle Test Condition
You should hear a tone from the driver's door speaker
You should hear a tone from the front passenger's door speaker
You should hear a tone from the right rear speaker.
You should hear a tone from the left rear speaker.
You should hear a tone from the all speakers.

Hard Key

This diagnosis tests the hard buttons surrounding the multi-information display unit, the HFL switch, and the audio remote switch. To complete the test, press each buttons. As each function is tested, the corresponding button on the display should highlight. To exit, press and hold the ENTER button.
Steering Key: Checks the HFL switch buttons and the audio remote switch buttons.
Hard Key: Checks the audio unit hard buttons.

Select Steering Key

Select Hard Key

This diagnosis checks whether the audio unit is receiving B-CAN data properly.

B-CAN (Body Controller Area Network) passes information between processors on the network. The B-CAN network uses a communication protocol that transmits data at 125 kbps.
This diagnosis must have the engine running.
If ERROR STATUS shows NO ERROR, an error is not detected between B-CAN bus and the audio unit.
If any error is detected, check for B-CAN DTCs with the HDS (Honda Diagnostic System). The data displayed in the ID boxes is for factory use only.

This screen shows the current version information for the audio system.
ERATO, BU uCom are all for factory use.
Model: For this model, the field should begin with T2A.
Coverage: Displays the destination of the audio unit.
If you need to download (install) an older software version into the audio unit, do the following:

Insert the update disc or USB memory in which the software is installed.

Select DOWNLOAD in the Version screen.

If you are loading older software into the audio unit's memory, a Confirmation screen appears warning you that the version being uploaded is older than the currently loaded software. Select Yes on the Confirmation screen.
The audio system reboots. Check that the multi-information display unit shows the audio information.

Monitor Check
Overview of the Audio with touch screen.

These screens allow you to troubleshoot the Audio with touch screen. Select the item you want to troubleshoot, and follow the diagnostic instructions.
Color Pattern
Gray Tone
White Raster
Black Raster
Touch Panel Check 1
Touch Panel Check 2
Touch Calibration


This screen verifies that the Audio with touch screen is receiving the video (R, G, B, and Composite sync) signals properly. The three primary colors should all appear without distortion. The combination of all three should produce a central white section. If the picture has lines in it, or scrolls horizontally or vertically, and any of the colors are missing, or scrolls horizontally, replace the audio panel.

Color Pattern

The screen shows the colors being used for the menu screens. This is for factory use only. To check the color signal, use the RGB Color diagnosis.

Gray Tone

This screen checks problems with contrast. You should be able to see the changes from bar to bar across the scale. It is normal for the two bars on either side to appear the same. If you cannot see changes from bar to bar, replace the audio panel.

White Raster

This screen checks for pixels that may be dead (off). The entire display must be white. If there are dead pixels, replace the audio panel.

Black Raster

This screen checks for pixels that may be stuck on. The entire display must be black. If pixels are stuck on, replace the audio panel.

Touch Panel Check 1

The panel touch sensing system consists of a touch sensitive resistive membrane covering the display. The screen has to be physically touched to make it work. The display has the capability of 400 touch locations (left to right), and 200 touch locations (top to bottom). The upper left hand corner is position (0, 0) and the lower right hand corner is (400, 200) as displayed. Touching anywhere on the screen displays the coordinate of the location, and cause the place you touch to display a ? icon. If any area of the screen either does not respond, or responds at some other location when touched, then replace the audio panel.

Unlike earlier screens that used infrared sensors, direct sunlight does not affect this test.
A box appears after you touch the screen.

Touch Panel Check 2

If you touch any icons on the screen, the icon color changes while pressing the icon. If any icons on the screen do not respond, replace the audio panel.

Touch Calibration

The panel touch sensing system consists of a touch sensitive resistive membrane covering the display. The screen has to be physically touched to make it work. The display screen uses a touch sensitive membrane. This means that every location of the entire surface of the display is touch sensitive. This diagnosis allows alignment of these touch locations with the location of the buttons images on the screen.

This should never need adjustment, and is used only by the factory to adjust the touch locations for parallax (the touch locations appear different when viewed at an angle). If you are directed to make an adjustment by the factory or other service information, follow this procedure:
The screen consists of the ? icons. Select Start, and long press the center of the five ? icons on order 1?5.
To store any changes you make, Select Set.
Select Return to exit the diagnosis.