Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Symptom Troubleshooting - AUTO DOOR UNLOCK does not work
AUTO DOOR UNLOCK does not work
Do the door lock actuators work normally?
Is there battery voltage?
Is there continuity?
Is the door lock actuator OK?
Is there continuity?
Is there continuity?
Is there battery voltage?
Is there continuity?
Is the door lock actuator OK?
Is there continuity?
Is there continuity?
Is each switch information OK?
Is information indicator ON?
Is information indicator OFF?
Is there continuity?
Is information indicator ON?
Is there continuity?
Is information indicator ON?
Is information indicator ON?
Is information indicator OFF?
Is there continuity?
Is information indicator ON?
Is there continuity?
Is information indicator ON?
Is information indicator ON?
Is information indicator OFF?
Is there continuity?
Is information indicator ON?
Is there continuity?
Is information indicator ON?