Set the steering wheel in the straight ahead driving position, and loosen the lock lever fully.
Attach a commercially available spring scale (A) to the highest point of the steering wheel, and tilt the steering column to the lowest position.
Pull the spring scale straight up, and read the force required to move the steering column.
Attach the spring scale to the lowest point of the steering wheel.
Pull the spring scale straight down, and read the force required to move the steering column.
Tilting force (upward/downward):
69 N (7.0 kgf, 15.5 lbf) max.
If the measurement is higher than the specified, replace the steering column/EPS control unit.
Check of Telescoping Force
Check of Telescoping Force
Set the steering wheel in the straight ahead driving position, and loosen the lock lever fully.
Attach a commercially available spring scale (A) to the center point of the steering wheel as shown.
Pull the spring scale, and read the force required to move the steering column during telescoping out.
Telescoping force:
90 N (9.2 kgf, 20.2 lbf) max.
If the measurement is higher than specified, replace the steering column/EPS control unit.
Check of Lock Lever Force
Check of Lock Lever Force
Move the lock lever (A) from the loosened position to the locked position three to five times, then release the lock lever. Adjust the steering column to the center tilt position and also to the full telescopic out position, and hold the steering wheel.
Using a commercially available push-pull gauge, push up the lock lever 10 mm (0.39 in) in from its end, and measure the force required to move the lock lever.
Lock lever force:
82 N (8.4 kgf, 18.4 lbf) max.
If the measurement is higher than specified, replace the steering column/EPS control unit.
Check the column shaft bearing (A) for play and proper movement. If bearing is noisy or has excessive play, replace the steering column/EPS control unit.
Check the steering joint bearings (B) for play and proper movement. If any bearing is noisy or has excessive play, replace the steering shaft.
Check the coat plates (C) for distortion or breakage. If there is distortion or breakage, replace the steering column/EPS control unit.
Check the tilt mechanism for movement and damage.
Check the telescopic mechanism for movement and damage.
Check the absorbing plate (D) for distortion or breakage. If there is distortion or breakage, replace the steering column/EPS control unit.