Rear Door Glass Outer Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
1. Rear Door Panel - Remove

2. Rear Door Plastic Cover - Remove

3. Rear Door Glass Outer Weatherstrip - Remove

From the inside of the door, slide the clips (A) on the rear door glass outer weatherstrip (B) to release the hooks (C) from the flanges (D) on the door.

Release the hooks (E) with a flat-tip screwdriver from inside of the door, and pull up the door glass outer weatherstrip.

Remove the rear door glass outer weatherstrip (A).

1. Rear Door Glass Outer Weatherstrip - Install

Set the rear door glass outer weatherstrip (A) to the door flanges.

Install the hook (A).

From the inside of the door, slide the clips (B) on the rear door glass outer weatherstrip (C) to the engaged position as shown, to install the hooks (D) to the flanges (E) on the door.

2. Rear Door Plastic Cover - Install

3. Rear Door Panel - Install