Ignition Timing Inspection

NOTE: If a DTC is present, diagnose and repair the cause before continuing with this inspection.

3. Engine - Warm Up

Start the engine. Hold the engine speed at 3,000 rpm with no load (in neutral) until the radiator fan comes on, then let it idle.

5. SCS - Short

Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode.

Jump the SCS line with the HDS.

6. Ignition Timing - Inspect

Start the engine.

Connect the timing light to the service loop (white harness).

Aim the light toward the crankshaft pulley (A). Check the ignition timing under a no load condition (headlights, blower fan, rear window defogger, and air conditioner are turned off).

NOTE: Check the ignition timing while aligning the upper pointer (B) and the lower pointer (C) of the cam chain case as shown.

Ignition Timing:
2 ±2 ° ATDC (RED mark (D)) at idle in neutral
(Conversion value by HDS: -2 ±2 °)

If the ignition timing differs from the specification, check the camshaft timing. If the camshaft timing is OK, update the PCM if it does not have the latest software, or substitute a known-good PCM, then recheck. If the system works properly, and the PCM was substituted, replace the original PCM.

Disconnect the HDS and the timing light.