Manual Transmission Removal and Installation
Special Tools Required
Image Description/Tool Number
2279882.png Engine Support Hanger, A and Reds AAR-T1256*
2358776.png 2008 V6 Attachment Arm SIL02C000033*
310292.png Subframe Adapter VSB02C000016*
609796.png Engine Hanger Balance Bar VSB02C000019*
*: Available through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program 888-424-6857.

NOTE: Engine support hanger AAR-T1256 must be used with the side engine mount installed.

1. Front Tower Bar - Remove

2. Engine Cover - Remove

3. Front Bumper Upper Air Duct - Remove

4. Splash Separator - Remove

5. Air Cleaner - Remove

6. Battery - Remove

7. Battery Base - Remove

Remove the battery base (A).

Remove the harness clamps (B).

8. Starter - Remove

9. Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed Sensor Connector, Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed Sensor Connector, and Back-Up Light Switch Connector - Disconnect

Remove the harness clamps (A).

Disconnect the back-up light switch connector (B).

Disconnect the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor connector (C).

Disconnect the output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor connector (D).

10. Harness Bracket - Remove

Disconnect the reverse lockout solenoid connector (A).

Remove the harness (B) and the harness clamps (C).

Remove the harness bracket (A).

11. Change Wire Bracket - Remove

Remove the lock pins (A).

Remove the change wire bracket bolts (B).

Disconnect the change wire from the select lever (C) and the change lever (D).

Carefully remove the change wire and the change wire bracket (E) together to avoid bending the change wire.

12. Slave Cylinder - Remove

Remove the clutch line bracket (A).

Remove the slave cylinder (B) and the harness bracket (C).

Carefully move the slave cylinder out of the way to avoid bending the clutch line.

Do not press the clutch pedal after the slave cylinder has been moved.
Do not disconnect the clutch line joints.

13. Harness/Connector Bracket - Remove

Remove the connector bracket (A); use the bracket bolt hole (B) to attach the engine hanger balance bar front arm.

Remove the harness bracket (A); use the bracket bolt hole (B) to attach the 2008 V6 attachment arm.

14. Engine Support Hanger - Install

Remove the front damper caps (A).

Install the engine hanger balance bar (VSB02C000019). Attach the front arm (B) to the front cylinder head with a 10 mm (0.39 in) spacer (C) and a 10 x 1.25 mm bolt (D). Remove the rear arm from the engine hanger balance bar, then install the 2008 V6 attachment arm (SIL02C000033). Attach the 2008 V6 attachment arm to the rear cylinder head with a 10 mm (0.39 in) spacer (E) and an 8 x 1.25 mm bolt (F).

Install the engine support hanger (AAR-T1256) onto the vehicle as shown, and attach the hook to the slotted hole in the engine hanger balance bar. Tighten the wing nut (G) by hand, and lift and support the engine/transmission.

Be careful when working around the windshield.
AAR-T1256 two sets required for stacking additional cross section bars.
Be careful not to damage the hood opener cable when installing the engine support hanger at the front bulkhead.

15. Upper Transmission Mounting Bolt - Remove

Remove the upper transmission mounting bolts (A).

16. Transmission Mount Bracket Mounting Bolt - Loosen

Loosen the transmission mount bracket mounting bolts (A).

17. Upper Transmission Mount - Remove

Remove the ground cable terminal (A).

Remove the upper transmission mount (B).

NOTE: Do not remove the bolt (C). If the bolt is removed, the upper transmission mount must be replaced as an assembly.

18. Front Engine Mount Mounting Bolt - Remove

Remove the front engine mount stop (A) with the clamp bracket (B).

Remove the front engine mount mounting bolt (A).

19. Rear Engine Mount Mounting Bolt - Remove

Remove the rear engine mount mounting bolt (A).

20. Steering Joint - Disconnect

NOTE: Hold the steering wheel in the steering wheel holder tool.

21. Vehicle - Lift

22. Front Wheel - Remove

23. Engine Undercover - Remove

25. Under-Floor TWC/Exhaust Pipe A - Remove

29. EPS Connector - Disconnect

30. Front Engine Mount Vacuum Pipe - Disconnect

Disconnect the front engine mount vacuum pipe (A).

Remove the pipe clamp (B).

31. Front Subframe - Support

Attach the subframe adapter (VSB02C000016) by looping the strap (A) over the front of the front subframe, then secure the strap with the stop (B), and tighten the wing nut (C).

Raise a transmission jack and line up the slots in the arms with the bolt holes on the corner of the jack base, then tighten the bolts.

32. Front Subframe Middle Mount Rubber Mounting Bolt - Loosen

Loosen the front subframe middle mount rubber mounting bolts (A) on both sides.

33. Lower Transmission Mount Bracket Mounting Bolt - Remove

Remove the lower transmission mount bracket mounting bolts (A).

34. Front Subframe - Remove

35. Transmission - Support

Support the transmission with the transmission jack and the wood block.

36. Driveshaft Inboard Joint - Disconnect

Secure the driveshaft to the body with a nylon strap on both sides.

37. Intermediate Shaft - Remove

38. CKP Sensor Connector - Disconnect

Remove the CKP sensor cover (A).

Disconnect the CKP sensor connector (B).

39. Clutch Cover - Remove

Remove the clutch cover (A).

40. Front Engine Mount Bracket - Remove

Remove the front engine mount bracket (A).

41. Transmission - Remove

Front side

Rear side

Remove the lower transmission mounting bolts (A).

Pull the transmission away from the engine until the transmission mainshaft clears the clutch pressure plate.

Slowly lower the transmission about 150 mm (5.91 in).

Check once again that all hoses and harness are disconnected and free from the transmission.

Lower the transmission.

2. Transmission - Install

Make sure the 14 x 20 mm dowel pin (A) and the 10 x 20 mm dowel pin (B) are undamaged and installed in prescribed holes on the engine block as shown. Replace the dowel pins if they are damaged.

Place the transmission on the transmission jack, and raise it to the engine level.

Align the transmission mainshaft and the clutch pressure plate.

Move the transmission inward until there is no clearance between the transmission housing and the engine block.

Front side

Rear side
Install the lower transmission mounting bolts (A).

3. Front Engine Mount Bracket - Install

Install the front engine mount bracket (A) using new bolts (B).

4. Clutch Cover - Install

Install the clutch cover (A).

5. CKP Sensor Connector - Connect

Connect the CKP sensor connector (A).

Install the CKP sensor cover (B).

6. Intermediate Shaft - Install

7. Driveshaft Inboard Joint - Connect

8. Front Subframe - Install

Attach the subframe adapter (VSB02C000016) by looping the strap (A) over the front of the front subframe, then secure the strap with the stop (B), and tighten the wing nut (C).

Raise a transmission jack and line up the slots in the arms with the bolt holes on the corner of the jack base, then tighten the bolts.

Raise the front subframe up to the body.

Remove the subframe adapter and the transmission jack.

9. Front Subframe Middle Mount Rubber Mounting Bolt - Tighten

Tighten the front subframe middle mount rubber mounting bolts (A) on both sides.

10. Lower Transmission Mount Bracket Mounting Bolt - Loosely Install

Loosely install new lower transmission mount bracket mounting bolts (A).

11. Lower Transmission Mount Mounting Nut - Loosen

Loosen the lower transmission mount mounting nuts (A).

12. Front Engine Mount Vacuum Pipe - Connect

Connect the front engine mount vacuum pipe (A) to the front engine mount vacuum hose (B) until contacting the bulge (C).

Install the pipe clamp (D).

13. EPS Connector - Connect

15. Front Stabilizer Link - Connect

17. Under-Floor TWC/Exhaust pipe A - Install

18. Engine Undercover - Install

19. Vehicle - Lift

Lower the vehicle.

21. Upper Transmission Mount - Install

Position the upper transmission mount (A), and tighten new transmission mount mounting bolts (B).

Install new upper transmission mount bracket base bolts (C).

Install the ground cable terminal (D).

22. Upper Transmission Mounting Bolt - Install

Install new upper transmission mounting bolts (A).

23. Engine - Support

Lift and support the engine/transmission with a floor jack and a wood block under the engine/transmission.

24. Engine Support Hanger, Engine Hanger Balance Bar, and 2008 V6 attachment arm - Remove

Remove the engine support hanger, the engine hanger balance bar, and the 2008 V6 attachment arm.

Install the front damper caps.

25. Rear Engine Mount Mounting Bolt - Loosely Install

Loosely install a new rear engine mount mounting bolt (A).

26. Side Engine Mount Mounting Bolt - Loosen

Loosen the side engine mount mounting bolt (A).

27. Floor Jack and Wood Block - Remove

Remove the floor jack and the wood block.

28. Front Engine Mount Mounting Bolt - Install

Install a new front engine mount mounting bolt (A).

Install the front engine mount stop (A) and the clamp bracket (B) using new nuts (C).

29. Rear Engine Mount Mounting Bolt - Tighten

Tighten the rear engine mount mounting bolt (A).

30. Lower Transmission Mount Mounting Nut - Tighten

Tighten the lower transmission mount mounting nuts (A).

31. Lower Transmission Mount Bracket Mounting Bolt - Tighten

Tighten the lower transmission mount bracket mounting bolts (A).

32. Transmission Mount Bracket Mounting Bolt - Tighten

Tighten the transmission mount bracket mounting bolts (A).

33. Side Engine Mount Mounting Bolt - Tighten

Tighten the side engine mount mounting bolt (A).

34. Harness/Connector Bracket - Install

Install the connector bracket (A).

Install the harness bracket (A).

35. Slave Cylinder - Install

Install the clutch line bracket (A).

NOTE: Be careful not to bend the clutch line.

Apply a light coat of super high temp urea grease (P/N 08798-9002) to the push rod (B) of the slave cylinder (C).

Install the slave cylinder and the harness bracket (D).

36. Change Wire Bracket - Install

Apply a light coat of silicone grease (P/N 08C30- B0234M) to the change wire ends (A).

NOTE: Make sure not to get any silicone grease on the terminal part of the connectors and switches, especially if you have silicone grease on your hands or gloves.

Connect the change wire ends to the select lever (B) and the change lever (C).

Install the change wire bracket (D).

Install the lock pins (E).

Check that the transmission shifts into all gears smoothly.

37. Harness Bracket - Install

Install the harness bracket (A).

Install the harness (A) and the harness clamps (B).

Connect the reverse lockout solenoid connector (C).

38. Input Shaft (Mainshaft) Speed Sensor Connector, Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed Sensor Connector, and Back-Up Light Switch Connector - Connect

Install the harness clamps (A).

Connect the back-up light switch connector (B).

Connect the input shaft (mainshaft) speed sensor connector (C).

Connect the output shaft (countershaft) speed sensor connector (D).

39. Starter - Install

40. Battery Base - Install

Install the battery base (A).

Install the harness clamps (B).

43. Air Cleaner - Install

44. Splash Separator - Install

45. Front Bumper Upper Air Duct - Install

46. Engine Cover - Install

47. Front Tower Bar - Install

48. Front Wheel - Install

50. Test Drive - Check

Test-drive the vehicle.