HandsFreeLink System Symptom Troubleshooting - Bluetooth cell phone cannot be paired
Bluetooth cell phone cannot be paired (without navigation, without touch screen)
Make sure the cell phone with Bluetooth is Honda approved and configured correctly. Online, go to handsfreelink.honda.com, or call the HFL customer service at 888-528-7876.
You must be able to duplicate the customer's concern to successfully diagnose the problem. If you cannot duplicate the issue, have the customer demonstrate it.
Once the symptom is duplicated, contact the HFL customer service at 888-528-7876. Many HFL issues are related to the cell phone and not the HFL system.
See if you can duplicate the symptom in a known-good vehicle under the same conditions. If you can, it is probably a characteristic of the system.
Always use the customer's cell phone to successfully diagnose the problem.
HandsFreeLink System Status check:

HandsFreeLink System Status check

HFL status all OK?

Go to step 2.
Problem verification:

Problem verification
Pair a known-good cell phone with Bluetooth to the customer's vehicle.

Can you pair the cell phone, and does it operate normally?

The customer's cell phone is defective or not compatible. Recommend your customer contact the HFL customer service at 888-528-7876 to discuss approved phones and configuration issues.?