DTC Troubleshooting: U1280
DTC U1280: Communication Bus Line Error (BUS-OFF)
DTC Description
U1280 B-CAN communication bus line error (BUS-OFF)

NOTE: If you are troubleshooting multiple DTCs, be sure to follow the instructions in B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A.

Problem verification:

Problem verification
Clear the DTCs with the HDS.

Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0) and then back to ON (II), or press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode and then the ON mode.

Wait for at least 6 seconds.

Check for DTCs with the HDS.
DTC Description
U1280 B-CAN communication bus line error (BUS-OFF)

Is DTC U1280 indicated?

Go to step 2.
Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. Check for loose or poor connections.?
B-CAN related units check:

B-CAN related units check
Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0), or press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.

Disconnect the appropriate connector at each control unit in the table one at a time. Clear the DTC, then recheck for DTCs after each unit is disconnected.
Control Unit
Connector A (32P)
32P connector
37P connector
Automatic lighting control unit-sensor
(With automatic lighting without automatic wiper)
7P connector
Automatic lighting/rain sensor
(With automatic lighting and automatic wiper)
5P connector
Immobilizer-keyless control unit
(Without keyless access system)
7P connector
Keyless access control unit
(With keyless access system)
Connector B (28P)
Connector B (20P)
Audio unit
(Without display audio)
Connector A (24P)
Audio unit
(With display audio)
Connector B (20P)
Connector A (24P)
6P connector
24P connector
7P connector

DTC Description
U1280 B-CAN communication bus line error (BUS-OFF)

Is DTC U1280 indicated with each individual unit disconnected?

Leave the connectors disconnected, and go to step 3.
Replace the control unit that was disconnected when DTC U1280 did not reset.?
Shorted wire check (B-CAN lines):

Shorted wire check (B-CAN lines)
Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0), or press the engine start/stop button to select the OFF mode.

Disconnect the following connector.

Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2 individually.
Test condition
IG LOCK (0) or OFF mode
Under-dash fuse/relay box connector R (16P): disconnected
Test circuit
Test point 1
Under-dash fuse/relay box connector R (16P) No. 9 (BLU)
Test point 2
Body ground

Test circuit
Test point 1
Under-dash fuse/relay box connector R (16P) No. 10 (PNK)
Test point 2
Body ground

Is there continuity?

Repair a short to ground in the B-CAN wires.?
Go to step 4.
Shorted wire check (B-CAN_L to B-CAN_H line):

Shorted wire check (B-CAN_L to B-CAN_H line)
Check for continuity between test points 1 and 2.
Test condition
IG LOCK (0) or OFF mode
Under-dash fuse/relay box connector R (16P): disconnected
Test circuit
Test point 1
Under-dash fuse/relay box connector R (16P) No. 9 (BLU)
Test point 2
Under-dash fuse/relay box connector R (16P) No. 10 (PNK)

Is there continuity?

Repair a short in the B-CAN_L to B-CAN_H wire.?
The B-CAN_L to B-CAN_H wire is OK. Faulty MICU; replace the under-dash fuse/relay box.?